This original piece, entitled "High Plains Warriors" includes two Blackfeet warriors on horseback, surrounded on all sides by the mountains and centered below the Sun, Moon & the Morning Star. The riders are based on the Running Eagle, Blackfeet history's sole woman warrior, and Star Child in the rear.
Atop the center of the piece, the Sun is presented to represent the strength of God. Flanked with the spiritual Mother moon on its left and the Morning Star, the savior of the Blackfeet, to its right. Surrounding the Sun further on each side we have the The triangular mountain symbols are significant for the backbone of the world, outside his tribe known as Glacier National Park. The interior dots symbolize the star people, the people above the sky.
Running Eagle is depicted wearing her headdress to show her high status within the tribe. The blue paint on her face represents the moon, a symbol of feminine power. Her dress has mountain designs on it and red-orange star symbols on the sleeves. Below the moutains along her chest, teeth hang off, representing falling stars. Down below her saddle hangs her purse bag, her bow and arrow. Otter hair pelt hangs off the bowl for decoration, The cream colored blanket is her personal medicine blanket. The disk would be personal spiritual shields, little mountain designs on the purse, and the blanket strip the horse mask represents leadership. She has a spear and a horse whip on her shield A crow representing the moon, representing woman power the mother moon. Seven mountain designs represents the big dipper. The three lines blue lines are moon represent blessings to her. The mask represents leadership is the moon got the very top of the mask. The triangle off the ice socket represents good vision for the horse yellow being the sun blue being the moon red orange being star down, black and white line going down represents the borderland two as her being a warrior bear designs on the bottom.
represent the Milky Way the Wolf Trail the weasels on the side represent.
The diamond with the black center is off the bridal is a war bridal or war amulet protect protect the horse in the rider and there are four feathers on either side to us number four is when season three hang off the center three represents the sun, the moon and morning start, you’ll see these concepts throughout the art down the neck is the red is the blood that bind the horse green is error lungs the neck of the blue is the moon yellow is the sun is star down.
Along the neck of the horse, the 7 white circles the one sister six brothers. The little red is a big stone symbol to deflect negativity. The diamond and bear designs on the chest decoration for the horse. Yellow square outline for leader ship. Keyhole for protection. The single triangle is the sacred Mountain Chief. The blue triangles for the when the season three moon rays coming down represents again the three main gods, the sun, the moon and star .
The back rider is a male figure who went by the name Star Child. He also has blue across his face, but the horizontal positioning represents the sky or the sun. He has a more laid-back headdress than Running Eagle to show deference. His blue shirt again for the significance of sky. The chest emblem represents the morning star. Across his sleeves, chest straps and pants, the stars represent his name "star child." The body of his shirt shows black diamonds epresent defeated enemies. He is carrying a war club in his left hand, and also as Running Eagle does, the horse whip in his right. Hanging off the back of his backside shield has the sun and sunrise. The red plum on headdress represent high ranking in a society, which would be a protective society Has a mask also represent high ranking in society and blue sky. The black represents the universe and there’s a big dipper the little dots and then a single triangle is our sacred mountain chief mountain neck of the horse, sun, moon, and star symbols the colors to captured rifles and combat keyhole, design, buffalo corral, or personal protection, single triangle blue represents sacred Mountain Chief mountain 7 white or hail protection. We can the enemy sunrise on the leg for leg on the back of the horse are six yellow dots represents the little dipper 6 brothers star in the center three red stripe Sun moon MorningStar hailstones on the back, right leg on the front left leg mount designs and then Horse hopes how many times he use this horse or how many horses he has captured the documents. The center is a Mac stock representing captured things in terms of things you capture in combat as a war society, things you accumulate on either side or receipts from the first Mercantile one of the first call JH Sherburn in my hometown beginning of the reservation error on either side or checks representing provision, providing for the people family down below right and left or checks also, the same provision the center is World War II ration book represents warrior societies protectors the coupons inside the horses are a tank airplane aircraft carrier in howitzer represent weapons of war to protect yourself
This piece is drawn on top of an 1894 ledger document with Terrance's signature collage style components adding a wholly unique touch. The leading institutions in the Native art community consistently acknowledge Terrance’s innovative incorporation of authentic Blackfeet images into his own contemporary form of ledger art.
Ledger Size: 36"x18.5"
This piece is available framed with black matting and a classic black 1" frame.
Terrance Guardipee is an internationally acclaimed Blackfeet painter and ledger artist, consistently recognized for the traditional depiction of his Blackfeet heritage and contemporary innovation demonstrated in his work. Terrance was one of the first Native artists to revive the historical ledger art tradition, and was the first ledger artist to transform the style from the single page custom into his signature map collage concept. His style of art is known as "Ledger Art" which is a collage mixed media on a very large ledger paper with antique documents, checks, maps and stock receipts. The leading institutions in the Native art community consistently acknowledge Terrance’s innovative incorporation of authentic Blackfeet images into his own contemporary form of ledger art.
This original piece, entitled "High Plains Warriors" includes two Blackfeet warriors on horseback, surrounded on all sides by the mountains and centered below the Sun, Moon & the Morning Star. The riders are based on the Running Eagle, Blackfeet history's sole woman warrior, and Star Child in the rear.
Atop the center of the piece, the Sun is presented to represent the strength of God. Flanked with the spiritual Mother moon on its left and the Morning Star, the savior of the Blackfeet, to its right. Surrounding the Sun further on each side we have the The triangular mountain symbols are significant for the backbone of the world, outside his tribe known as Glacier National Park. The interior dots symbolize the star people, the people above the sky.
Running Eagle is depicted wearing her headdress to show her high status within the tribe. The blue paint on her face represents the moon, a symbol of feminine power. Her dress has mountain designs on it and red-orange star symbols on the sleeves. Below the moutains along her chest, teeth hang off, representing falling stars. Down below her saddle hangs her purse bag, her bow and arrow. Otter hair pelt hangs off the bowl for decoration, The cream colored blanket is her personal medicine blanket. The disk would be personal spiritual shields, little mountain designs on the purse, and the blanket strip the horse mask represents leadership. She has a spear and a horse whip on her shield A crow representing the moon, representing woman power the mother moon. Seven mountain designs represents the big dipper. The three lines blue lines are moon represent blessings to her. The mask represents leadership is the moon got the very top of the mask. The triangle off the ice socket represents good vision for the horse yellow being the sun blue being the moon red orange being star down, black and white line going down represents the borderland two as her being a warrior bear designs on the bottom.
represent the Milky Way the Wolf Trail the weasels on the side represent.
The diamond with the black center is off the bridal is a war bridal or war amulet protect protect the horse in the rider and there are four feathers on either side to us number four is when season three hang off the center three represents the sun, the moon and morning start, you’ll see these concepts throughout the art down the neck is the red is the blood that bind the horse green is error lungs the neck of the blue is the moon yellow is the sun is star down.
Along the neck of the horse, the 7 white circles the one sister six brothers. The little red is a big stone symbol to deflect negativity. The diamond and bear designs on the chest decoration for the horse. Yellow square outline for leader ship. Keyhole for protection. The single triangle is the sacred Mountain Chief. The blue triangles for the when the season three moon rays coming down represents again the three main gods, the sun, the moon and star .
The back rider is a male figure who went by the name Star Child. He also has blue across his face, but the horizontal positioning represents the sky or the sun. He has a more laid-back headdress than Running Eagle to show deference. His blue shirt again for the significance of sky. The chest emblem represents the morning star. Across his sleeves, chest straps and pants, the stars represent his name "star child." The body of his shirt shows black diamonds epresent defeated enemies. He is carrying a war club in his left hand, and also as Running Eagle does, the horse whip in his right. Hanging off the back of his backside shield has the sun and sunrise. The red plum on headdress represent high ranking in a society, which would be a protective society Has a mask also represent high ranking in society and blue sky. The black represents the universe and there’s a big dipper the little dots and then a single triangle is our sacred mountain chief mountain neck of the horse, sun, moon, and star symbols the colors to captured rifles and combat keyhole, design, buffalo corral, or personal protection, single triangle blue represents sacred Mountain Chief mountain 7 white or hail protection. We can the enemy sunrise on the leg for leg on the back of the horse are six yellow dots represents the little dipper 6 brothers star in the center three red stripe Sun moon MorningStar hailstones on the back, right leg on the front left leg mount designs and then Horse hopes how many times he use this horse or how many horses he has captured the documents. The center is a Mac stock representing captured things in terms of things you capture in combat as a war society, things you accumulate on either side or receipts from the first Mercantile one of the first call JH Sherburn in my hometown beginning of the reservation error on either side or checks representing provision, providing for the people family down below right and left or checks also, the same provision the center is World War II ration book represents warrior societies protectors the coupons inside the horses are a tank airplane aircraft carrier in howitzer represent weapons of war to protect yourself
This piece is drawn on top of an 1894 ledger document with Terrance's signature collage style components adding a wholly unique touch. The leading institutions in the Native art community consistently acknowledge Terrance’s innovative incorporation of authentic Blackfeet images into his own contemporary form of ledger art.
Ledger Size: 36"x18.5"
This piece is available framed with black matting and a classic black 1" frame.
Terrance Guardipee is an internationally acclaimed Blackfeet painter and ledger artist, consistently recognized for the traditional depiction of his Blackfeet heritage and contemporary innovation demonstrated in his work. Terrance was one of the first Native artists to revive the historical ledger art tradition, and was the first ledger artist to transform the style from the single page custom into his signature map collage concept. His style of art is known as "Ledger Art" which is a collage mixed media on a very large ledger paper with antique documents, checks, maps and stock receipts. The leading institutions in the Native art community consistently acknowledge Terrance’s innovative incorporation of authentic Blackfeet images into his own contemporary form of ledger art.